Monday, October 29, 2012

I Guess This Post Is About My Cat

Well, my poor readers, I thought.  I've been too busy for them lately.  They must feel so dejected.  I must do my best to make up for my absence.  Of course -- I'll give them a handful of cat pictures they don't care twopence about!  There will be nothing more soothing for their heartache.

Don't be too mad with me.

To start it off:

This is the little guy who made an undeniable impression in an earlier post of mine: Skittles.  He's my baby.  Demanding, stubborn, mischievous, and oh-so-cute.  A cuddler and a rascal.  And currently a flea-bag.  We're working on that bit. 
This is him doing aerobics!
He was sleeping like this.  I mean, his torso is turned almost 180 degrees from his hindquarters!  I don't know a large number of cats, but I'm pretty sure that this is unusual.  ;P

I AM motion!
Playing with the camera strap


 And one last pic for cuteness:

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